
Author: Simon Scott
Publisher: Presses de l’Université Laval (Oct 1 2012)
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2763795935
ISBN-13: 978-2763795935

Like indigenous peoples all over the planet, the Austronesian peoples of Formosa (Taiwan) have lost their sovereignty because of colonial history. The Sadyaq peoples, with a population of 35,000, traditionally constituted a “society against the state.” Following the Sacred Law of Gaya, which prohibited all individual accumulation of power or wealth, they were democrats without equal. After 1895, they were submitted to the Japanese Empire, and were integrated into the Republic of China since 1945. The Sadyaq have henceforth been encapsulated in many new state institutions: tribal classifications, indigenous reserves, development projects, elections, and even a new legal regime for indigenous rights. But, the spirit of Gaya still continues to inspire resistance, as much against the state as against any form of compromise with the state.

賽德克巴萊! 國家之下的福爾摩莎原住民族

如同全球的原住民族,台灣的南島民族因為受到殖民統治而失去了主權。傳統的賽德克民族(目前人口約35000人)組成了一種 “反國家的社會” (society against the state)。賽德克人遵循”Gaya”──由祖先傳下來的神聖律法,其內容包含了禁止所有個人權力及財富的積累──使他們成為”上乘無比的民主政體”。1895 年之後,他們被迫臣服於大日本帝國;1945年後,他們被併入中華民國。其後,賽德克民族被封裝(been encapsulated)於許多國家的制度之內:族群分類法、原住民保留地、各種發展計畫、選舉,乃至於新的原住民族法律體制。不過,GAYA的精神仍然持續激勵著對於國家,以及任何向國家妥協之形式的反抗。

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