Lin Poyer教授在臺第二場講座—「密克羅尼西亞地區人類學研究的過去與未來(The Past and Future of Antropological Research in Micronesia)」,已於十二月七號假台灣大學舊總圖人文中心會議室舉行,本場次的演講內容紀錄、Poyer教授所提供相關參考研究文獻與資訊,可 於本文下載。

1. 2011.12.07 Lin Poyer教授演講內容摘錄(童元昭主任提供)

2. Some Micronesia Reseach Needs(compiled by Ln Poyer, 2011)

3. Imformation for this talk comes from several useful bibliograpphies and surveys of sociocultural anthropology research in Micronesia( compiled by Ln Poyer, 2011 )

4. 延伸閱讀:

(1)Laura Thompson (1905-2000)

“ANTHROPOLOGIST TO STUDY IN GUAM” proclaimed the Guam Recorder in headline news in November 1938. The article went on to state:  Dr. Laura M. Thompson, research associate in anthropology at the University of Hawaii, arrived October 18 on the Chaumont to do field work in applied anthropology for the U.S. Naval Government. This work is being sponsored by the University of Hawaii and the Institute of Pacific Relations of Honolulu…….   Read more 

(2)Krämer Translation Project

During the German administration of the pacific islands, a South Sea Expedition was organized by the Hamburg Museum. Anthropologists were sent out to the various islands to do in-depth studies on the people and culture, which resulted in the publication of a series of invaluable books……  Read more  

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